Strip Plots & Swarm Plots in Python (Seaborn)

Hoda Saiful
Dec 6, 2020


Strip plots are a good alternative to Scatter plots when visually capturing all, especially overlapping data points in an observation. Unlike a scatter plot, where 2 similar data points are superimposed, a strip plot juxtaposes the values (argument — jitter=‘True’)

Download the dataset to work with

Tips dataset contains the data from a restaurant. It has 7 columns that capture the total_bill, tip rendered, sex of the person rendering the tip, whether the person was a smoker, day of the week, time of the day and size of the table.

Scatter Plot

Strip Plot

Swarm Plot

The plots resemble a swarm of bees and hence the name. A swarm plot is a categorical scatter plot, similar to a strip plot except that the location of points are automatically adjusted to avoid overlap even if the jitter value is not applied.



Hoda Saiful
Hoda Saiful

Written by Hoda Saiful

When I have the time to write

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